Monday, August 4, 2008


YouTube has so many possibilties for libraries! The video I found on YouTube was actually one I helped make to promote the PBCLS' Adult Summer Reading Program. It was a lot of fun to make the video, but even more fun to see it online! This illustrates how YouTube can be used to promote programs/services and to train and inform staff. Especially when the staff is as large as that of the PBCLS; YouTube makes it much easier to reach all staff.

My son uses YouTube to get tips on skateboard tricks. He uploads videos of his skateboard tricks and asks other users to help him improve. He also watches the videos of others and offers them his advice.

Other uses for YouTube in the library is to show videos of programs or events, such as the Grand Opening of the Hagen Ranch Road Branch; staff training, such as with the Web 2.0 project; and maybe even offering story times on the web.

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