Monday, August 4, 2008


Although I've known that we have offered the Overdrive service to patrons for quite some time, this is the first time I've actually looked at it in any depth. I haven't yet downloaded the software to my computer since I don't have an MP3 player (I'm waiting for the ipod version) and I listen to audiobooks only in my car. I was a bit disappointed by the selections and wasn't able to find most of the books I searched for. It seemed a bit difficult to browse since the categories were rather large. I did like the "recently returned," "recent arrivals," and "most popular" sections. Once I get a computer that is a bit faster and more reliable at downloading, I will try to actually download a book. I think this service is good for patrons wanting to download books from home and I think this might be the way we will receive audiobooks and movies in the future, but for now, just checking out the physical book on CD at the library works best for me.

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