Monday, August 4, 2008

Web 2.0 Award Winners

I found too many interesting sites on the Web 2.0 Awards and will be investigating many of the sites in depth. For this project I focused mainly on the start pages since I could use a little more organization in this area. I tried NetVibes and PageFlakes but was disappointed because neither worked on my home computer (really old, really slow!), so I tried iGoogle instead. This is pretty neat because I now have the weather information, news sites, a "to do" list, cooking sites and PacMan all on my home page. I would like to place some links to specific sites I frequent, but haven't yet figured out how. This has some interesting implications for libraries, since perhaps the library could offer customizable pages for patrons with perhaps bestselling titles, upcoming programs, library news, YouTube story times, etc.

My other favorite site which I've mentioned in my blog before is Pandora. This is a very addictive music site that you can customize to play music based on other music you like. I have discovered so many new artists this way!

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