Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seven 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners - Week 2 Web 2.0 Exploration

As part of week one's "23 Things" assignment, I watched the online tutorial, "Seven 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners" from The Public Library of Charlotte Mecklenburg County. This tutorial stressed the importance of learning throughout your life and tips on how to make that happen.

Whether or not we are conscious of it, we are constantly learning every day. When we read a newspaper, check the weather, or learn how to use the latest gadget, we are learning. Some learning is just more structured and purposeful than others. It is sometimes important to set goals in order to accomplish what one sets out to learn, especially things that take a long time to learn. The tutorial stressed that learning goals need to be set and suggested using a "learning contract".

In addition to learning Web 2.0 in the work environment, I have a couple of personal things that I would like to learn. In the past, I have had trouble following through with my learning intentions. I really would love to be fluent in Spanish. I have bought CDs, books and computer programs. However, I have never gotten much beyond "hola"! I am also in the process of learning how to sail. I keep trying to read the books that my husband gives me, but I just never seem to have the time to get through them!

Time is the biggest obstacle that I run into when taking on a long time learning project. This will be especially true for the Web 2.0 project. I will be assisting in opening the Hagen Ranch Road Branch during the same time period as the Web 2.0 project. Setting goals and having a set time frame will definitely help me stay on track. Hopefully, after completing the Web 2.0 project, I will be able to transfer some of the skills I learned and finally get on my way to becoming a fluent Spanish speaker and a competent sailor!

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