Thursday, May 29, 2008

Favorite Web 2.0 Technology - Week 3 Web 2.0 Exploration

Here are some of my favorite Web 2.0 technologies:

Pandora Radio from the Music Genome Project ( : This awesome site allows you to create your own radio station. You just input all of your favorite music and it plays back music it thinks you will like. I have discovered so many groups that I didn't know existed! It also has detailed histories of artists and gives information about the albums and songs. Lots of fun and very addictive!

Library Thing ( : This sight allows you to catalog your own library. I am using it to create a list of the books I have read. It also allows you to tag your books, write comments and shows the book covers of most titles. You can also join in conversations with other members, view the libraries of other members with similar reading tastes and get reading recommendations.

YouTube ( : Although I haven't used this site much, I see a lot of potential uses, especially for training. My 13-year-old son uses it to share skateboarding videos with other skateboarders. He takes videos of himself and asks other YouTube users to critique his tricks and offer suggestions for improvement. He has gotten a lot of feedback from other skateboarders. This is one tool that I plan to explore further.

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